$68.75 USD

4 monthly payments

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Reading Comprehension with a Purpose Year Long Curriculum RCP 4 Monthly Payments

Don't miss out on a year your students will never forget! Reading Comprehension has never been more exciting, purposeful and educational!

What you'll receive:

  • 40 weeks of reading comprehension units (4 weeks are ready to go and 1 a week will be added until they are complete)
  • 1 mentor text set of activities for each day. (200 mentor text activities)
  • lesson plans
  • parent-connect letter
  • weekly vocabulary words
  • reading comprehension worksheets
  • one-of-a-kind songs to learn that match the reading strategies
  • colorful posters 
  • daily crafts
  • word work, math, and writing extensions for the mentor text
  • curriculum map
  • mentor text book list

Click here if you would rather make a one time payment. 


What People Are Saying:

This resource is beyond my expectations. I love using a different picture book every day, and I absolutely love that read aloud time is built into each daily lesson. I love to read stories to my students. There are some many extras and options within this resource. You can use the stories and choose how much or how little you do with each one. There are review weeks as well. My students love the themes and all the stories that they have been exposed to is priceless. Additionally, they have learned some vocabulary words that they may never have know before, and I love how much nonfiction is included.

WOW! This is exactly what I've been wanting to do, but did not have the time to create all the resources so I could use REAL books. My class has had so many authentic learning moments thanks to variety of texts and depth of learning this program promotes. I love how you have generic activity sheets as well as ones specifically written for each story. My favorite part is the simple crafts to go along with each story. It's so hard to pick and choose each week which one to do! I was telling a friend that I can't wait to do our new story everyday. It certainly has brought the joy of reading back into my classroom! Thanks to this resource, I could kiss the boring basal reader goodbye!